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dana jones
3 min read
Where to put all of the genealogy books...
Being a professional genealogist requires specialized training. It also requires acquiring a pretty robust library of books specific to...
dana jones
3 min read
Family Recipes as Stories
If your family is anything like mine, you have inherited family recipes. Some of these were handed down directly from the creator, while...
dana jones
3 min read
Have you ever wanted to be a member of the DAR?
OK. I have to admit that the thought of joining the DAR had never crossed my mind until my then-six-almost-seven-year-old son became...
dana jones
3 min read
Great's Charts
I mentioned in the post about the Barb book that I was also lucky enough to have inherited research from my father's side of the family...
dana jones
4 min read
A post to get you thinking...
I was first introduced to author Libby Copeland when I got an email from my local public library last month that listed a webinar that...
dana jones
3 min read
One of My "Brick Walls"
It happens to every genealogist at some point. We run into the proverbial research "brick wall" and are unable to figure out a key bit...
dana jones
3 min read
I collect camels. Over the years, I have purchased and been gifted SO MANY camels! I haven't counted them all, but there are almost 200...
dana jones
2 min read
The Barb Book
I am lucky that I inherited family research from both my father's side of the family and my mother's. While both sets of information are...
dana jones
3 min read
Our Family Wall
My husband and I have always had a family wall. While it has morphed over the last twenty-five years in two homes in two different...
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